“Challenging, thought provoking and incredibly useful. I look forward to working with her some more.”

Lisa Hammond – Actress/Comedienne - EastEnders’ ‘Donna Yates’ (BBC1), Grange Hill (BBC1), Quills, Bleak House, Psychoville, Vera,
Comedy Blaps (C4)

“Sheila’s work with me has been life-changing. I feel more positive than I have in years. It isn’t a “toxic” positivity borne out of not looking at what disturbs you: it is a deeper understanding of what my motivations have been and which of those serve me and which no longer do so. I am finally creating again. Books. Art. Myself. For anyone who has a creative career, I can’t recommend her help highly enough."

Tania (Ahsan) O’Donnell – Author, Senior Editor, Arcturus Publishing Ltd

“Sheila gave me the tools to hunt success and the strategies to cope with it when it came….”

STIK - Street Artist

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“I'm not afraid to negotiate anymore and say exactly what I think is better for our project and music, Working this way I was able to create a new team...(booking, publicist). All this opened up new opportunities like playing bigger shows, playing support shows and some bigger festivals, These have been my main goals for years..."

'J' - Singer, Musician and Songwriter

“Opportunities are presenting themselves and there has been a major paradigm shift for me in relation to the creative process that Sheila facilitated. Consequently, I have never been so at peace with where I am at creatively and the muse feels more accessible than ever before. Working with Sheila typing instead of speaking was easy, comfortable, and a highly beneficial way of working. It surprised me, as the effect was that I stayed more so with my own internal processes. It is fast and deep.

Sheila is an amazing coach. She puts many psychotherapists to shame with her abilities of cutting through to the core of the matter quickly and compassionately. She has an uncanny knack of seeing my habitual patterns of avoiding and bringing me back to the important points. I am accessing greater creativity in my usual workspace, in my dreams for the future and in my relationships.

If you are a person wishing to access greater levels of self-awareness, motivation and discipline and your creative experiences I wholeheartedly recommend coaching with Sheila Chandra. Sign up for a year as it will be a great investment for you. Sheila clearly knows from direct personal experience how to access creativity in her life and how to adapt flexibly to life’s circumstances.”

Phil Gatt – Youth and Family Therapist, Author

“Immediately after our first session, I started making music. I felt so inspired and creative. In addition, I felt decluttered and started making plans on how to implement my vision. Sheila understood my artistic mind, heart and soul immediately and I felt very connected to her, talking about my dreams, struggles and goals… [She] is inspiring, strong and knowledgeable! I totally trust her.”

Lia Dimou – Record Producer, Songwriter, Musician

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“I am still quite amazed at the progress that I made in such a short time with the sessions. It is an excellent service. Working via IM and skype was very easy as I didn't have to leave the home. I didn't find it to be any less of a service when you use IM rather than speaking, the communication was always excellent. I am so, so thankful for you kind and compassionate coaching.”

‘L’ – Musician

“Opened up my perspective and has been helping me to break patterns that have been holding me back for many years.”

Christine Jugeta – Playwright/Musician

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Mini Case Study

The client

Chris came to me as an already accomplished and award winning visual artist, and a tarot deck illustrator and tarot guide writer who’d been published multiple times. He’d decided to write his first full length non-tarot, non-fiction book and was feeling blocked and overwhelmed.

The result

We worked together on two levels. One was on what was blocking him around the form and content of the book – refining, clarifying and sharpening the angle, tone and subject matter, and building more quality into the project at every level. The other was more subtle. We uncovered patterns around his creative process which had been hampering him since the beginning of his artist career.
Chris is an incredibly brave and honest client – emotionally literate, and willing to sit with uncomfortable feelings for as long as necessary in a session. His reward was insights and realisations potent enough to produce a powerful ‘sea change’ of attitude and habits in himself as an author. As an added benefit, these transformations to Chris’ productivity and pleasure in creating are spilling over into all his other projects.

In Chris' own words

“Coaching sessions with Sheila have been some of the most empowering experiences of my life. When I first contacted her, I’d been working on my first large scale book for several months, and although it was a project hugely dear to my heart, I was struggling and had all but lost hope in my ability to see it through to completion.
From the start, Sheila helped me to do two things. Firstly, she helped me re-structure my writing plan to make the project more practical and achievable. She also helped me to prioritise what really mattered content wise, so what I’m writing now feels better angled, more concentrated and certainly harder hitting. It’s now a book which I feel will be more valuable to the reader, and will be far easier to sell to a publisher.
More importantly, Sheila helped me face my greatest insecurities as a creative professional, especially the ones that hampered my day-to-day confidence and contributed towards my writer’s block. She taught me to be more understanding of my creative inner being and helped me to cultivate the constructive inner critic, whilst silencing the negative inner ‘slave driver’ – something which had seemed impossible before. My productivity and pleasure in my work have blossomed as a result.
Most of all, Sheila is the ultimate motivator. She won’t offer you quick fixes and she certainly won’t give you platitudes. What she can give you is an extraordinary level of empathy, realistic encouragement and the benefit of decades of experience, both of the creative process, and the insights she’s gained as successful, professional artist in several creative industries. She sees the artist and business pitfalls you’re falling into because she’s been there herself, and found the way out of them.

"In a nutshell, she will furnish you with the tools you need to get the job done. For myself, I couldn’t have asked for more.”

Chris Butler

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